Unseeable forces control human behavior and shape our ideas, beliefs, and assumptions. Invisibilia—Latin for invisible things—fuses narrative storytelling with science that will make you see your own life differently.
Unseeable forces control human behavior and shape our ideas, beliefs, and assumptions. Invisibilia—Latin for invisible things—fuses narrative storytelling with science that will make you see your own life differently.
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Way Shaw, who helped usher in this new era of invisibility. Thank you to the people who first made this show. Elise and Lulu and Hannah. And yeah, I'm just over here packing boxes. Endings can be hard, but they can also be opportunities. And so that's how I'm taking it. I'm taking this ending as an opportunity for a completely new and different beginning, and I'm looking forward to it. Keep in touch. Don't be a stranger. You can find me on the internets. Just search Kia Miyakanatis or Miyakanatis. You'll find me. On some adventure near the water. Of course, Kia, you'll be by the water. Thank you for helping me sphere had this new era of invisibilia. I am so excited to hear where this new adventure takes you. Okay. Our first story comes to us from producer, Andrew Mambo. Hey, Andrew. Welcome to the goodbye show. Hey, YOE. I come bearing gifts. Oh, okay. I love a gift. I got fun stories. I went through the listener emails. And during this time, what I really needed was some levity, some laughs. Mhmm. So I kind of found myself diving into this particular subset of funny stories about good buys, which was the awkward good buys. There is something so delicious about the awkward goodbye as long as you are not the person responsible. For everybody else involved, it's it's truly a gift. Oh, yeah. The the the best. That's why I wanna share with you a few
It worked for a while. But now it's undeniable. He doesn't remember 6 year old shaved eyebrows me or 12 year old quizbowl team me or fake glamorous war bride me either. More often than not, dad confused me with my older half brother. Okay. You take care. I love you. Alright. Love you too. Alright. Bye bye. Bye bye. Who are you talking to? Who are you talking to? My son. A few months ago, I walked into the nursing home. I signed in, and I sat next to him while he kept his eyes closed. The only acknowledgment I got from him was, 'Yes, dear.' When I went to sign out, I noticed I'd only been there for 9 minutes, and I slunk out the door in shame. How can I help you? Hi. May I please speak to John Parker? I guess I keep trying to record because he's my dad, you know? He's actually not here at the moment. What am I supposed to do? I can't find really any version of him to hold on to, and I can't get over the fact that there's a person I'm becoming in the world that he won't know. Hi. May I please speak to John Parker? He's out at the day care. Hi. Hi. May I please speak to John Parker? He's right now having dinner. Hello. Hi. May I please speak to John Parker? Yeah. He's not understanding how to speak. He said he can't speak to me? Because he's he's a little confused this afternoon. Yep. Oh, okay then. I'll I'll check I'll try again tomorrow.
Being a Machiavellian, they were more likely to opt out. The students from more economically disadvantaged backgrounds wanted, on average, to be in the middle of the organization, whereas their more advantaged peers wanted to be in the upper middle and even at the very top. Which means that the people we might want in positions of power, you know, people who might wield it responsibly for the group by taking others into consideration, not just themselves, they might get turned off from seeking those positions in the first place. When we think of inequality, what we often consider as the main drivers of inequality are things like, racism or classism or sexism. And what I am suggesting in my research is that inequality can also arise, when we structure our workplaces and schools in a way that excludes the cultural values and norms of members of underrepresented groups. Today, Peter is a professor at the University of Virginia Darden School of Business. And surprise, he's still in touch with Jeff. They do research together. He even recently spoke at a celebration for Jeff's career. He said it was the single best speech he's ever heard in his career. But of course, he was trying to flatter me. He did fabulously. And now Peter teaches plot twist his very own path to power class and covers the same power strategies he heard about in Jeff's class, which he actually sees differently today. He gets that Jeff wants his students to have the tools to navigate the world as it is. And I'm very explicit that this is not the world that I want. To acquire the power, they'll need to affect change, which is basic
Slipped away from me. Where did you go? You did. And then I heard your voice. You're like, I you just it was just a brief moment when I did. I, like, let go for a second. You held it so beautifully. Well done. That was 1:30 Oh. 1 minute, 38 seconds. Zandi seems really proud of me, and I am too, to be honest. I didn't know I could hold my breath that long. I never tried. I feel like a little kid getting a gold star from her favorite teacher. But once it's time to let go of the wall and Oh, Oh, it was bad. At one point, I think I kicked her in her head because I couldn't get down deep enough. So I feel like I'm in way over my head. She made it look so easy and beautiful. Hold your breath. We'll be right back after the break. Former President Trump is in serious legal trouble. And at the same time, he wants his old job back. It's a really big story. But with different trials in multiple states, plea deals, testimony, gag orders, it's also really hard to follow. So we created Trump's Trials, a new NPR podcast where we break down the big news from each case and talk about what it means for democracy in weekly episodes. I'm Scott Detrow. Check out Trump's trials from NPR. Culture doesn't happen by accident. Each week on It's Been a Minute, I take the things everyone's talking about and in conversation with my favorite creators, taste makers, and experts, give you new ways to think about them beyond the obvious takes.
On the It's Been a Minute podcast, we discuss a new documentary, Making Waves, as it looks at the patterns of abuse behind the scenes at Nickelodeon. But my guests say the problem extends throughout all of Hollywood. In Hollywood, actor comes before child. We don't see these kids as real children. Find out what makes child stars especially vulnerable on the It's Been a Minute podcast from NPR. From NPR, this is Invisibilia. I'm Yohei Shaw. So when I first heard about today's story, I was like, wow. So many communities are facing this problem. And it's a problem we hear a lot about these days. Communal trauma, racial, cultural trauma. Generational trauma. Intergenerational trauma. Trying to get your head around it. This is not something that a person chooses. I'm in the aftermath. Rejection. Of a big catastrophe. Abandonment. It's kind of like an invisible elephant in the room. But it's one thing to acknowledge that trauma as real and another to figure out, okay, so what do we do about it? That's something Stephanie Fu has thought a lot about. She's a journalist who wrote a book called What My Bones Know, a memoir of healing from complex trauma. She writes about having complex PTSD, the science behind the diagnosis, and the various therapies and treatments used to heal from it. And while researching her book on how to heal herself, she found a story about what it looks like to heal a community. A quick heads up, Stephanie will be talking about genocide, war, domestic violence, suicidal ideation and child abuse. Alright. Here's Stephanie. I grew up in a