A no-holds-barred arena for half truths, social no-nos, and animal behavior-featuring comedian Bobby Lee and his best friend Khalyla. Every Wednesday.
A no-holds-barred arena for half truths, social no-nos, and animal behavior-featuring comedian Bobby Lee and his best friend Khalyla. Every Wednesday.
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Yeah. Fuck. Yeah. Oh, is there any recordings? You don't have to. I don't wear them. Is there a recording? I love it. Who who does wear the headphones? You wear them? Because it does be Lee. He does. He does. Yeah. Oh, if you if you wear them, you'll start pouring sweat out of your ears, probably. It happens to be some over stimulation. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You're fucked. I forget how I forget that you're more handsome than Logan. That that And and and it really, you know, it really makes me feel good. That's debatable. It's not debatable though. Is there a close-up on the back of my head? On the show? No. Why? Well, it's just it's not always completely filled in. Can I take live in the trailer? I'd prefer not. I'm gonna look. I don't even I don't know that we're on that level. What are we looking at? Yeah. We're on that level. Wait. What are we looking at? The back of a stupid head. The back of my head looks good. It honestly looks very normal. No. But you don't have, like, a specific, like, intense, you know, are we are we are you bolder? Are we honest? Are you bolder? No. Yeah. We're we're on. Imagine if there was just I don't want there to be like a tell scopic camera just pointed right at, you know, my the back of my head. I didn't know what to the podcast. Can you think really weird about the back of their head? Can someone blamed it. Well, first, we said Bill Bird was on earlier, and he has no hair. That guy scares me. I'll I'll whenever I see him, bro. Yeah. He scares me. I just think of that three podcasts where you actually had to, like, start taking ritalin as or whatever it was as a result of it. Why? What happened? You know what happened? No. I didn't. I think Ethan just felt like it didn't go well. Yeah. Yeah. And, like, maybe there was too much, like, reverence for bills, so I, like, he froze a little bit. You can't have reverence for him. That's the rule with Was that it, George? No. Ethan brought up that, he brought, like, it's a clip show. So they brought the video up of a bill, like, crushing it in the Philadelphia. Yeah. And then Bill was just like, what? You're just gonna show me videos of myself all day? Yeah. He and then since it's a clip show, there's like, that's probably what we were gonna do. The the next ten things they were gonna do were probably that. We sunk the whole show. Sorry. Mike Malock, Yeah. I mean, either from work,
Refuses to meet my new guy and, like, and Well, I met him. You didn't. You didn't. You patted him on the back back in the dark and then ran away. This is how I met this guy. And look at how how great this the way I met this new guy. I invite him to well, I invite you invite him to we were in Hawaii, and I I did a show with Segura. 8,000 seats. Mhmm. Right? I could bring him to this. I go up. Crush. Crush. He thought you were incredible. I know. I snuck out. Right? I went into the stadium. Yeah. And I sat right behind him in a stadium after I crushed. I pat him in the right shoulder. He looks up to me, and I went like that. Which which what does that mean when I do that? I don't even know. Yeah. Yeah. It looks like I I go oh, I see you. No. That's good. I see you. But that yeah. That's good. That's good. Very good. But what's it's even more. There's more meaning. There's deeper meaning. Yeah. So Oh, I see. I'll let you talk now. What do you think that means? Tap tap tap. Is that's you looking at him or Yeah. Yeah. Him looking at you? Just track the story, man. Track the story. Track the story. Hide him. So he will be I'm like, what are you talking about? Jaime? Track the story. Track the story, dude. I am. You've never read a book. This book is a book. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You don't know how to tell stories when you read a book. So, yeah. So I'm tapping him, man. And you're smiling at him. Yeah, man. Okay. You think I tapped him and he smiled forward? I tapped anyway. What are you talking about? Do you know what we're talking about, man? I heard new guy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Woah. Alright. So I tap. What does that what does that mean? You're dead. Oh. Oh. Is that correct? You're right. Yeah. That's a little
Aloha. Mahalo. We are gonna play Honolulu, Hawaii. Hawaii theater. And Gilbert's the most excited about this. That's why Friday, April 26, 2024. Yay. Doors, 7 PM. Show starts at 8 you guys, you know, we we've been wanting to play, Hawaii for so long, and now it's happening. April 26th. Yeah. Whoo. Khalala, where can we get our ticket? Ticket? You guys can go get tickets at tigerbellylive.com. This is gonna be a great show. We don't do this often, so get go get your tickets now, and we'll see you there. You like it though? Yeah. I love it. What do you think Bobby's touches are in this room? I mean, everything, of course. No. But like One thing. What specific thing? Let's see. He wanted something done. I was like, he wanted something painted over. I was like, don't paint it over that. I mean, give me there's, like, 50,000,000 things here. It's the exposed brick. Oh. She she goes I would have never I need a cup to spit in because I have dipped in my mouth. Wait. You didn't you didn't want the exposed brick? I wanted the exposed brick. He wanted to paint it purple. I like the exposed brick. Thank you. I knew I was right. Yeah. What's in there? Ew. Can we get him, like, a real spittoon? Oh, we will we will get one. Like, an official one? So give me the names. Who's coming today? Alright. I came up with you. Crazy pod today. Go ahead, Khalilah. Name for you. So today, we
MB. Go. Stop using big cats. Yours is the best one. That was the best one. Thank you so much, dude. Hers the best. You're a man. You're a full grown man. You're a grown you're a man now. You have a penis. Yeah. That's insane. I did listen to a lot of Korn in high school. Yeah? Yeah. Definitely a lot of that. Thank you so much for pushing me to my limit. Yeah. Then you're welcome, Nurok. You know what Nurok is? What is that? Born backwards. And that's what we're gonna learn today. Narok is Yeah. Narok. Say something? When I did that, I felt my eyes cross, but you were you were equally cross eyed. You're looking. You're You were both cross eyed. I know. Because I was like, maybe I get your face. And I was like, yeah. Yeah. It scared my cross eyed. Eyes. I was so concerned. Oh my god. I was concerned for you looking at me. Yeah. Yeah. So anyway, stop. I don't wanna put take this out. Yeah. No more Taylor. No more no more this Taylor Swift stuff. You know, Oh, my god. Anyway, the Marvel Universe is dying and everything's dying. What do you think is taking its place? Nothing. I'm glad it's dying. I'm glad all that's dying. I think it just ended with The Last Avengers Endgame. Wait. What was the last one that it was that, Dakota Johnson one? That wasn't even Marvel. That's that's not even Marvel. Sony. So that one is going to be A failure. How do you know? It's so bad that the It's so bad. The actresses in it, they tagged Marvel and Kevin Feige thinking they were in a Marvel film. Yeah. They had to untag themselves. Dakota Johnson Yeah. The day she saw the trailer, she fired her agents. No way. Yeah. She left her. It's not bad. That's how bad it is. And then, the I I just bought Marvels, the second one. Marvels? You you with, you know Oh, god. You bought that? What's what's her name? Brie Larson. Brie Larson. And then this guy, like, a camp
Oh. And he and he when he he rolled it when he smiled and picked me, he was like, he rolled his eyes like, I'll get the crippled kid. And I proved them wrong. I'll tell you that right now. I have many, many abilities that people aren't even privy to. I'm strong. I'm agile. I got a big belly for protection for the winter like Garris do. Yeah. Revenant. Yeah. You're Revenant. I am. And that's why I like you because, you and I would survive in the cold winters together. How do you think how long do you think you'd last fighting a bear? Not I know you die and get ripped to shreds, but how long See, it's that attitude But how long baffles my mind. Let me say something. Okay? 3 seconds. That's pretty good. But yours, 2 seconds. Oh, yeah. Think about it. You know what? I would get the quickest, like, in terms of just escaping? No way he'd be the quickest. No. He's faster than me. Well, here's the thing that I do that people don't even what I would do, my instinct would say, you charge him first. Scare the bear. Yeah. I would go I start running toward him with my hand. I think there are different rules for different bears. No. Every rule. And he opens his mouth, I jump right into the mouth. See, I didn't wanna eat that now. It's out of yeah. I don't want Korean food right now. I don't know. I I in that situation, let let let's be real about it. We're camping, I'll tour. We we we in the morning, we get out, and then we see the bear, and then what I think we'd freeze. I'm a good freezer, by the way. I could freeze for about 4 hours straight. But can you camouflage? Because you wear pretty bright colors. Oh, that's true. You know what? If we weren't camping, I'd look like a a duck hunter. K. Okay. I'd wear the duck hunter uniform. And then I would freeze. Who's that frozen guy wearing Madewell? What? Who's that Madewell over there? Madewell. Oh, it was Madewell. What's Madewell? Has a different shop for denim and stuff. Yeah. Yeah.